Here are some basic instructions to print a test page for your printer using our free online printer test page tool. Here at Internet-Ink we have put together these free online test print pages of the essential components of the black printer test page and a colour printer test page saving you as much ink as possible. The last thing anyone wants is to use all that valuable ink printing out print test pages. How to print a test page for your printer? By regularly printing a test page you will help maintain the printer and improve the quality of your printing and lifespan of your printer. If your printer goes unused for a long period of time, the printheads may get blocked or the ink in and around the cartridge or the printer will dry and cause blockages or inconsistent ink flow. Printer test pages can also be used to keep the ink flowing in your printer. By finding the printer issue by printing a test page you can solve the problem quicker. The issues a printer test page can identify are blocked printheads, alignment issues and can also help match colour replication. What Problems will a test page fix? A printer test page will reveal and identify the reasons you would want to print a test page in the first place. So it’s always good to have one available when you need it.

Here at Internet-Ink the most common problem we encounter is with inkjet printers, and more often than not these can be sorted out with a test page. Printer Test Pages are used to check a number of things with your printer to help maintenance and also solve troubleshooting with ink cartridges on your printer, or just as part of general maintenance with your printer.